Without even making an application people are posted in the Directorate of Agricultural Marketing, Odisha

Without even making an application people are posted in the Directorate of Agricultural Marketing, Odisha
1)     Two posts of Research Assistant have been lying vacant in the Directorate of Agricultural Marketing since 2008.
2)     Notice was issued by the Director, Agricultural Marketing (DAM) on 11-6-2014 inviting applications from Inspectors of Cooperative Societies (ICSs) having training in Agricultural Marketing or 10 years experience in Agricultural Marketing. Last date for submission of application was 25-6-2014. 
3)     Eight applications were received within the due date and two after due date w.r.t. to the above notice.
4)     After few months of taking over as Director, Sri Premananda Khuntia moved the Registrar of Cooperative Societies (Controlling Officer of ICSs) vide letter No. 460 dt 22-7-2016 to send service particulars and CCRs of seven ICSs as one ICS had quit the Post. 
5)     RCS forwarded the Service particulars of the applicants vide their letter No. 15814 dt 08-8-2016.
6)     In the Meantime, one Sri Bijay Kumar Dash, ICS of O/o RCS was deployed in DAM in May 2016 and represented for the post of Research Assistant in DAM.  He had not submitted any application for the post w.r.t. to the Notice.
7)     Sri Khuntia requested the RCS vide letter 504 dt 10-8-2016 for sponsoring the name of one Sri Bijay Kumar Dash, ICS along with the service particulars and CCRs after lapse of two years of closing date for receipt of application. 
8)     RCS forwarded service particulars and CCRs of Sri Bijay Kumar Dash, ICS vide letter No. 16525 dt 20-8-2016. 
9)     A second Notice was issued by Sri Premananda Khuntia, Director of Agricultural Marketing vide No. 570 dt 08-9-2016 inviting application for the post Research Assistants without any reference to the 1st Notice. The preferential qualification of Master’s Degree in Agricultural Marketing and experience as Market Secretary were removed in the second Notice. 
10) A Departmental Selection Committee (DSC) was constituted by Sri Premananda Khuntia himself under his Chairmanship during October2016. He requested the Government in Cooperation Deptt for approval of the DSC vide letter No. 777 dt. 22-10-2016.
11) Govt sought guidelines/instructions regarding constitution of Selection Committee from DAM vide letter No. 8983 dt 01-12-2016. 
12) Subsequently, a letter vide No. 955 dt. 21-12-2016 was sent from DAM to Govt justifying for filling up the vacant posts of Research Assistant and requesting to allow for conducting the promotion.
13) Without obtaining and waiting for Govt approval, Sri Premananda Khuntia conducted the meeting of DSC on 27-2-2017 and selected Sri Kedar Nath Swain, ICS and Sri Bijay Kumar Dash, ICS. 
Illegalities by Sri Premananda Khuntia in appointment of Research Assistants

1)     Sri Bijay Kumar Dash, ICS had not applied for the post RA w.r.t. the Notice dt 11-6-2014.  But, Sri Premananda Khuntia requested the RCS to sponsor specifically the name Sri Bijay Kumar Dash, ICS along with his service particulars and CCRs after two years of closing date.
2)     Second Notice dt 08-9-2016 was issued with malafide intention to regularize the inclusion of Sri Bijay Kumar Dash, ICS with deliberate modifications of 1st Notice.  The preferential experience as Market Secretary was deleted in 2nd Notice as Sri Bijay Kumar Dash, ICS does not possess any experience as Market Secretary.

3)     As the applicants were considered on the basis of the 1st Notice dt 11-6-2014, issue of 2nd Notice is illegal.
4)     As per the Notice, minimum 10 years experience in Agricultural Marketing is essential for selection to the Post.  But, Sri Bijay Kumar Dash, ICS possesses only seven years relevant experience in Agricultural Marketing (from 2004 to 2011 in OSAM Board).
5)     Without approval of Govt for filling up the vacant posts of Research Assistant and also approval of constitution of the Selection Committee, Sri Khuntia went ahead for filling up the vacancies and selection of Research Assistants and selected illegally Sri Sri Bijay Kumar Dash, ICS who is neither an applicant nor eligible for the post as per Notice.
6)     He has debarred other deserving candidates on the ground of non-availability of CCRs, which has been deliberately done.
7)     It is alleged that Sri Premananda Khuntia has received favours for the said appointment.
8)     Besides, Sri Khuntia is functioning as ex-officio Member Secretary of Odisha State Agricultural Marketing Boad 


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