‘WORLD FORTNIGHT-2017’ observed ‘Vasectomy Fortnight’ or ‘Purusha bandhyakaran pakhya’ launched on the occasion

‘WORLD FORTNIGHT-2017’ observed
·       ‘Vasectomy Fortnight’ or ‘Purusha bandhyakaran pakhya’ launched on the occasion

Bhubaneswar, 21/11/2017: Vasectomy Fortnight is being observed on 21st Nov to 4th Dec every year all across India. It is an event to raise awareness of vasectomy as a permanent solution to prevent unintended pregnancies and also as a way of promoting male engagement in family planning. In India, based on the experience from the overwhelming success of Vasectomy Fortnight last year and to emphasis on reviving male participation in family planning, it was decided to celebrate World Vasectomy Fortnight again this year at all blocks, districts and State headquarters level.

Observation of Vasectomy Fortnight -2017 in Odisha:
The State level observance of World Vasectomy Fortnight (21st Nov to 4th Dec 2017) held here today in the presence of Special Secretary to Government of Odisha, Health & Family Welfare department, Dr. Binod Mishra. Among others Director Health & Family Welfare, Dr. Sarat Chandra Sahu, Joint Director – Family Welfare, Dr. Ajit Kumar Mohanty, State Programme Coordinator, UNFPA Dr.Deepa Prasad also attended the ceremony.

This year World Vasectomy Day is being observed with launching of “Vasectomy Fortnight” or “Purush bandhyakaran pakhwada” which contains two phases of Mobilization phase (21st to 27th Nov) and Service Delivery phase (28th Nov to 4th Dec). This year’s slogan is:

ZimmedarPurushkiyehihaipehchan, ParivarNiyojanmein jo de yogdaan”
ज़िम्मेदारपुरुष की येही हे पहचान, परिवार नियोजन में जो दे योगदान”
\ûdòZßaû^þ ପୁରୁଷର ଏହାହିଁ ଲକ୍ଷଣ, ପରିବାର ନିୟୋଜନରେ ଯେ କରେ ଯୋଗଦାନ”
The Government of Odisha is focusing more on promoting spacing methods as a result of which there has been continuous decline in limiting methods since 2012-13 to 2016-17. However, the emphasis on male involvement in family planning programme in the state has witnessed a continuous increase in male sterilization (Vasectomy) from 1923 in the year 2012-13 to 2632 in the year 2016-17 as indicated in the table below. The proportion of vasectomy acceptors to that of the total sterilization has also increased from 1.4% in 2013-14 to 2.4% in the year 2016-17.

Achievements in Sterilization in Odisha
Financial Year
Total Sterilization
Proportion of Vasectomy total sterilization

Population stabilization movement in Odisha was revitalized in the year 2010, and our state has significantly improved the family planning services delivery, both in quality and quantity since then. Along with these steps special focus is being given to promote male involvement in family planning. In order to take this initiative forward a number of measures have been taken by the Department of Health and Family Welfare, government of Odisha in the upcoming Vasectomy Fortnight. Few of them are:
ü  Identification, sensitization and registration of desirous couples for male contraception by ANMs, ASHAs and other health workers
ü  Awareness generation activities through peer networks, and other local NGOs
ü  IEC/BCC activities through display, printing and transmission through electronic media
ü  Mapping of facilities and preparation of calendar for service
ü  Couple and individual counselling on basket of choices by frontline workers and facility staff.
ü  Display of banners and posters illustrating celebration of Vasectomy Fortnight
ü  Mobile publicity vans in all blocks to move from village to village spreading messages regarding the fortnight.
ü  Installation of condom boxes in facilities

Apart from the above steps taken throughout the state specific focus is being given to the urban areas especially urban slums which have a high unmet need for modern contraceptives. The Department of Health and Family Welfare has taken the following measures to involve urban population in the activities of Vasectomy Fortnight.

ü  Orientation and sensitization of ANMs and ASHAs in all urban health care facilities
ü  Strengthening community mobilization activities by utilizing MAS and other community platforms
ü  Strengthening family planning counselling at UPHCs and UCHCs including other urban health facilities for promoting vasectomy services among eligible couples
ü  Partnering with city level NGOs and other organizations for greater awareness generation and client mobilization for vasectomy services
ü  Orientation of youth volunteers, NYKS members, community groups, etc., for promoting male engagement and increasing vasectomy services
ü  Preparation of a city based “FDS Operational Plan” to strengthen the FP service delivery with the entire basket of family planning methods through UPHCs and UCHCs.


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