NABARD Targets to release subsidy of Rs.3.17 crore under Dairy Development

NABARD Targets to release subsidy of Rs.3.17 crore under Dairy Development

NABARD conducted a State Level Workshop on DEDS (Dairy Entrepreneurship
Development Scheme) on 20 September 2017. The workshop was inaugurated by Dr.
Damodar Rout, Hon’ble Minister, Agriculture and Farmers’ Empowerment, Fisheries
& Animal Resources Development, Govt. of Odisha. Shri Vishal Gagan, IAS,
Commissioner-cum- Secretary, Fisheries & Animal Resources Development Dept.
Govt. of Odisha was the Guest-of- Honour in the workshop. The workshop was
attended by senior officials from Depts. of AH & Fisheries, Govt. of Odisha, major
commercial banks, RRBs, Orissa State Cooperative Bank, OMFED and Milk Mantra.
Dr. K.C.Panigrahi, CGM highlighted the contributions of NABARD in the country
and in the State in particular in all spheres of Agriculture & Rural Development. He
emphasised the importance of dairy sector in employment and income generation
amongst rural people and called upon the bankers to finance under the sector and
avail admissible GoI-subsidy under DEDS through NABARD. He indicated that
NABARD is very prompt in sanctioning subsidy, which thereafter is disbursed on
receipt of necessary fund from GoI. Shri Vishal Gagan, Commissioner-cum- Secretary, FARD, Govt. of Odisha lauded NABARD for organising such workshop. He indicated that there is no dearth of
schemes and fund for development of dairy sector in the State. He advised the banks
to give more and more credit at ground level and avail govt. subsidy under the sector.
He expected that the target of subsidy disbursement amounting Rs.3.17 crore during
2017-18 in the State under DEDS as also Rs.1.07 crore under NLM (EDEG) will be
achieved with the cooperation of all concerned. He called upon the banks to be the
change agents in this regard. The Hon’ble Minister indicated that such workshop where free exchange of ideas
takes place amongst various stakeholders, creates awareness, enhance productivity
and generated employment in agriculture and allied sector. He advised all to
introspect what we can do with vast natural resources, various schemes and fund at
our disposal for betterment of rural people in the State. He emphasised the need for
developing strong market linkages in the State so that farmers get remunerative
prices for their produce. The Minister also highlighted the importance of consulting
technologists for preparation of development plans. He also stressed the need for
team work.The workshop ended with vote of thanks by Shri R.K.Roy, DGM.


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